General Knowledge Test No:2
Top World Abbreviation & Important Days
General Knowledge | Current affairs of Pakistan
Top World Abbreviation & Important Days
General Knowledge | Current affairs of Pakistan
General Knowledge Test No:3
Q.No:1. Largest Country in the World by Population?a. China
b. Russia
c. India
d. USA
Q.No:2 Largest Country in the World by Area Surface
a. China
b. Russia
c. India
d. USA
Q.No:3 Smallest Country in the World by Population ?
a. Pakistanb. Vaticancity
c. Kuwait
d. Kazakistan
Q.No:4 Smallest Country in the World by Area?
a. Pakistan
b. Vaticancity
c. Kuwait
d. Kazakistan
Q.No:5 Newest Country of the World
a. Chinab. Iraq
c. Bangladesh
d. Serbia
Q.No:6 Largest city by area in the World?
a. Mumbaib. Karachi
c. Hulunbuir
d. Washigton DC
Q.No.7 Largest Air force of the World ?
a. USAb. Birtania
c. China
d. Russia
Q.No:8 Largest Island?
a. Polandb. Greenland
c. Holand
d. Blue land
Q.No:9 Largest/Longest River of World?
a. River Indusb. Ravi River
c. Nile River
d. Amazon River
Q.No:10 Largest Bird?
a. Anacondrab. Ostrich
c. Duck
d. Parrot
1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.d 6.c 7.a 8.b 9.c 10.b