Countries with Capitals and Currencies | World Important Knowledge

Renowned Countries with Capital and Currencies | Important World Information

Countries  Capitals  Currencies
Algeria Algiers    ---------
Chad N' Djamena   ---------
Egypt Caira   Pound 
Ethopia Addisiababa   ---------
Ghana Accra   ---------
Kenya Nairobi   ---------
Libya Tripoli   ---------
Morocco Rabbat  ---------
Nigeria Abuja   ---------
Senegal Dakar   ---------
Somalia Mogadishu   ---------
Zimbabwe  Harare   Dollar
Yemen Sanna   Rial, Dinar
Afghanistan Kabul   Afghani
Bahrain Manama   Dinar
Bangladesh Dhaka   Taka
Brunei Daral Islam Bander Seri Begawan   ---------
China Beijing   Yaun
Hong Kong Victoria   ---------
India New Dehli   Rupee
Indonesia Jakarta   Rupeeh
Iran Tehran   Rial
Iraq Baghdad  Dinar
Butan Thimpu   ---------
Israel Jerusalem   Shekel
Syira (Sham) Damashk   Poun
Japan Tokyo   ---------
Kazakstan Almaty   ---------
Jordon Amman   ---------
North Korea Pyongyang   ---------
South Korea Seoul   ---------
Kuwait Kuwait   Dinar
Kyrgstan Bishkek   ---------
Lebanon Bierut   ---------
Macao Macao    ---------
Malaysia Kualalumpur  Ringgit
Maldiv Male   ---------
Burma Yangon   ---------
Palestine Undetermined   Shekel
Nepal  Kathmandu   Rupee
Oman Mascat   Rial
Pakistan  Islamabad   Rupee
Philippiness Manila   Peso
Qatar  Doha   Rial
Saudi Arabia Riyadh   Rial
Singapore Singapore   Dollar
Srilanka Colombo   Rupee
Taiwan Taipie   ---------
Tajakistan Dushambee   ---------
Thailand Bankok   Baht
Turkey Ankara   Lira
UAE Abu Dhabi   Dharam
Albania Tirana   Lek
Austria  Vienna   ---------
Bosnia Sarajev   ---------
Denmark Copenhagen   Krone
Finland Helsinki   ---------
France Pairs   Franc
Germany Berlin Deutsche Mark
Greece Atthens   Drachma
Itlay Rome   Lira
Malta Veletta   ---------
Narway Oslo   ---------
Portugal Lisban   ---------
Russia Moscow   Rouble
Spain Madrid   Pesseta
Switzerland Berne   Swiz Franc
United Kingdom London   Pound
Vaticancity  Vaticancity   ---------
Canada  Ottawa   Dollar
Mexico Mexico   ---------
USA Washington DC   Dollar
Brazil  Brasilia  Curzado
Colombia Boogota   ---------
Australia camberra   Dollar
Newland Wellington   Dollar
Fiji Suva   ---------

There are near about 206 countries in this world and also they have their currencies but I just wrote those which are important according to knowledge and exam point of view. I did not disclose rough information. According to my opinion these countries are important and also some currencies. The question of capital and currency will not away from above just over look above information any one can easily attempt questions related to this.

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